Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's a story I want to share

Now it's 1.31am. I'm not sure why I'm here, but I'm just here anyway. I remember a story that I have forgotten sometime ago. Haha it's a love story obviously. Since Valentines day is coming, I think I should write this down. I'm not a good story teller so don't mind me okay? Haha Well erm... Actually I don't think anyone would be reading this since it's a dead blog. haha So who cares Hah!

It was the time of reconnaissance age in Europe. It begins with a pretty typical settings of two childhood friends, Thomas and Elva. Their parents are close friends of course. Thomas's father's a carpenter and Elva's father's a musician. Since young, Thomas is an introvert and a simple person, leading a simple apprentice life. While Elva, even if she was borned in a musical family, it was said that she was one gifted with musical talents, a very potential musician. A bright and extrovert person. 

Both of them used to play by the riverside everytime. Elva would always sing to Thomas on the riverside, whether it's a new song she learnt, or the songs she composed. Thomas would be the first one to hear her songs, her ideas and her melodies. Thomas didsn't live an easy life. Having a strict father too, Thomas faced many unhappy things in his young age. Elva knew that. So she want Thomas to sing with her everytime. She would even force Thomas to sing with her. She knows, music is the seed of happiness. She wants him to be happy. Well, even though Thomas was reluctant at first. But after years and months of regular persuasions. It had become a norm for him to naturally sing with her, even if it sounds awful. Elva was the one and only one who he opened his heart to. 

Thomas suffered lung disease at the age of 13, with improper health care Thomas eventually lost his ability to speak. Even so Elva would always be the with him on the riverside singing for him. Everyday and slowly, she planted little and little joyous moments into Thomas.  Perhaps that was the happiest time of life Thomas had. 

Everything came to an end when Elva finally made her first musician debut. It was a huge success. Thomas was there, he was touched to tears, he had never seen Elva so beautiful. He had never imagined her voice to be this touching. Elva became famous very soon afterwards. It was her family business to travel around Europe to perform. Thomas could not stop the parting even he wanted to be with her so much. Love was never mentioned.

Years went by, Thomas would try to see her performance whenever he could. But Carpenters don't earn a high salary. Even if Elva would give him a free seat for the performance everytime, travelling expenses would cause a bomb to Thomas. Thomas knew he'd probably never live past 25 years old due to his health condition. Even so he wanted to be as close as possible with Elva. He did everything he could to start learning piano since then. He wanted the piano to replace his lost voice. So that one day he could play the piano for Elva in her performance. Day and night he recorded down all of Elva's songs and composed the piano version of them. Thomas got no talent in composing, it's the desire to be close with Elva that drive him on, even if it's so difficult. Elva didn't know about it at all.

Thomas died at the age of 21. The fatigue probably shorten his expected lifespan. Elva was devastated. It was after the funeral that Elva discover all of the scores Thomas composed. The last and the only original score Thomas composed was "I want to sing with you" . Elva ended her singing career on Thomas first death anniversary. The last song of Elva was composed with "I want to sing with you" piano melody, "My songs were for you" .

My story ended at 4.28am. haha I wonder what do you feel for the story? It's one of the sad love stories I don't really wanna share. I usually make things complicated to understand, well because my feelings are complicated as well haha. But it was very inspiring though. Life is a song. To sing a song is like to live a life. To sing with you is like to be with you. I wonder so, how many people are like Elva? And how many people can be like Thomas? I'm trying to be the mute pianist learning to play the piano of Life, so that one day my Elva could sing the most beautiful out of her life. Don't cry.

Dear Valentines day, please bless the couples with the love of Thomas and Elva on your day, but with a different better ending. You all have my blessings too!

XT loves XY
GC loves HF
LEO loves SHA
YL loves JO
WX loves XX

Gf (Yes it's me) loves you